Friday, November 07, 2008

The pony handling course was a great success. This year we handled the ponies before they were inspected and branded, and it definitely made each process less traumatic. The foals have now been turned back with the herd for the winter, and will go to their new homes next spring. All three colts passed inspection. It was decided that the young filly was too small to inspect and brand, so she'll be presented for inspection next autumn.

The colts are:
Ilkerton Sandy 265/22 (named by Cherry)
Ilkerton Kirbie 265/23 (named by Nikki and Cheryl)
Ilkerton Rocky 265/24 (named by?)

Many thanks to Vanessa and Philip Bee for running the course, and to Vanessa, Philip and Lisa for helping on inspection day.

The adult ponies were obviously overjoyed to be reunited with the youngsters, and the mares instantly suckled their foals. Hopefully, by handling them and then turning them back with the herd for their first winter, we will have given the foals a good start in life.
As the fox says in The Little Prince, 'You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.'

Here are a few photos of the pony handling course (more to follow):


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