At last the weather is good enough for us to attempt to make silage! September 18th must be a new record for late harvest at West Ilkerton (usually we've made all our hay and silage by the beginning of August).
We've been to yet another Eveleigh wedding!
Nick, Hannah & Bill
Brian, Sarah & Chris
Jack and Harry (our Exmoor geldings) are back home after a summer spent with Vanessa and Philip Bee. They starred in a TV programme where an unlucky celebrity spent a week in a large field surrounded by Exmoor ponies, to see how man and ponies would interact. Apparently, it was extremely interesting! The TV crew called Jack & Harry The Chuckle Brothers. If anyone is interested in buying Jack and/or Harry, please let us know. We want to keep them here until the beginning of November, but then they will be for sale.
Well that's all for now. I've got to take harvest tea up to the workers (after I've put on my coat, scarf, thermal underwear...)
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