Saturday, September 01, 2007

West Ilkerton Farmhouse in sunshine!

It's official; the Met. Office has just announced that summer of '07 was the wettest since records began. We could have told them that using our sophisticated puddleometer called Beetle. Many thanks to all our guests for their unfailing good spirits! At least Exmoor was drier than the Midlands and we weren't flooded.

We've just managed to get the hay harvested. The last bales were carted on 31st August, so Chris is very smug because he won the bet that we'd get the harvest in by September. There'll be some photos of haymaking in the next news blog.

Sarah has been a great help on the farm this summer. She's re-built the back yard, done lots of walling and fencing and spent hours driving the tractor. (Yes, she's open to offers of marriage from farmers. However, they must be rich, good-looking and horse-friendly, which narrows down the field a bit!)

Mike, the bull, appeared to have a problem which could have been cured by a much-advertised blue pill. However, we were too embarrassed to order 'enough for a bull' from one of those annoying e-mailers who promise fireworks in the bedroom and similar terrifying experiences, so we took the easier (but more expensive) option of buying a new bull. He's a two-year-old called Lee Manor Winston, and he's got very good bloodlines. The cows seem to approve, which is the main thing.

Luckily, Winston arrived at West Ilkerton the day before foot and mouth disease was discovered in Surrey and all livestock movements were banned, but that's meant we've had two bulls on the farm for most of the summer because we haven't been able to move Mike.
On the subject of breeding, the Exmoor pony foals had a DNA test two weeks ago to see whether Ziggy or Swift fathered them. Here is a photo of the ponies running past the farmhouse to freedom afterwards.
I've decided to sell the gypsy caravan, if anyone is interested. It has been lovely to own it and enjoy it, but I can't afford to keep it. Originally, I bought it to let as an optional extra with the holiday cottage, but it's too nice to be used as a play-house by children. It was made in the 1930s and it's in very good condition inside and out, with lovely stained-glass windows. There will be a full advertisement for the vardo, with lots of photos, on our website Please e-mail for further details or ring 01598 752310.


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